I understand girls. I am a girl, or a "mam" as I shudder to be called. I am all for using good manners and all that, but it kills me when the teenage boys at school or church call me mam. I usually reserve that for the aged. I am not the aged! I digress..
I understand girls. Boys are a mystery that I don't think that I have figured out. My son refuses to use the potty. I just don't get it. Would you really prefer to walk around with urine wrapped around your bottom? There are lots of things about his daddy that I don't always understand. I won't even go there... it might send me into some crazy fit. I love those male Morton monkeys- I just don't always get them!!
The girls have really gotten into "Hairspray". We went to see the movie. Much more tame than the John Waters version. Now, they constantly want to listen to the soundtrack. I wonder if "Grease" drove my daddy crazy back in the day. I had the 8-track soundtrack and a portable player. I wore it out!! I am so getting paid back by "Hairspray" and the "High School Musicals". I never realized how patient my dad was. Thanks, Daddy!!
random post!
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